Thursday, December 8, 2016

coding 2.

                             I passed  course 2 now I'm going do to my  course 3 YES!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

IALT: find the main idea in a story

This story talks about the Earthquake that hit the South Island of New Zealand recently.
Find three key ideas in the story, then write 50 words to summarise.

Three key ideas in this story are
  • Strong 5.7 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on Sunday
  • The earthquake caused cliffs to collapse into the sea but no major damage to the city was reported."
  • The epicentre was 15 kms (9 miles) east of Christchurch and at a shallow depth of 15 km (9 miles), said the country’s seismological body Geonet.

Summary of the story (put it into your own words) - 50 words
Start here:A strong 5.7 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on Sunday.
The earthquake caused cliffs to collapse into the sea but no major damage to the city was reported.
The epicentre was 15 kms (9 miles) east of Christchurch and at a shallow depth of 15 km (9 miles), said the country’s seismological body Geonet.

The quake came eight days before the anniversary of the deadly 2011 quake that caused upwards of NZ$40 billion of damage and took the lives of almost 200 people.

IALT think from another persons point of view

After reading about what Rata Street School recommends to help students/people who have experienced an earthquake, what would you recommend for people in our school? Think of five things you suggest for Tamaki Primary School.

  1. Roll under a table .
  2. Run and roll to the door .
  3.  Ways to prepared from the earthquakes.
  4.  To learn way to get out of a earthquakes.
  5. Hold onto it until the shaking stops .

IALT find the meaning of new words and phrases.

Find 5 words you found in the blog post that were new to you. Record these, and find the meaning.
An example has been done for you.
You can add an image if you want to.
When something is very busy, lots of people are there, maybe everyone is confused.

Something is under rocks.

The action of evacuating a person or a place.
Invisible Enemy
They can’t see their enemy because their enemy is invisible.
feeling or causing despair.
Find a phrase that you didn’t know, or helped create a picture in your head. Find out what it means.
An example has been done for you.
You can add an image if you want to.
as if the ground had turned to liquid.
This helped me create a picture in my head of the ground turning from solid to liquid. In my head I couldn’t stand up anymore, I was falling over and all the stuff around me fell to the ground as well. Everything was moving.

IALT describe the feelings of people.

Watch the clip again and carefully watch what the people are doing.
  • Why do some run away?
  • Why do some stand still?
  • When the bridge collapses, what do the people do?
  • Why do they try to get into the van?

Use these questions to help you think about the way people might have been feeling during this earthquake.
Write 30 words about how they might be feeling.

Start here:  They were feeling happy in the morning and then in the afternoon they were feeling scared  because something happen is coming is there and then they were walking around on the road and something sharking all around the city.And they were feeling sand and run into the their van.Then they walking and fol off on the road and one store came down and some people are down on the store is coming down.Then some people are need help and some people are love that people are need help and they were go and help other people are need help.And they trying to go on their van some van park into the road and it sow sand.and is sand because their are many children are with their parents and they were crying.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Coding 1

This is course free and
I learnt how to code
and I learnt how draw a big bee hive and
I am so proud of myself that i got a certificate. And I'm try to do everything the teacher said. 


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Celebrating me DLO

This term we have been inquiring into 'Celebrating Me'. We have been looking at lots of different celebrations, like Guy Fawkes, Halloween, Weddings and Birthdays, White Sunday, Diwali and more. We also have looked at celebrating our own selves. 
This means we thought about things about ourselves that are worth celebrating... like our family, our hobbies, our learning achievements, our culture.

Here is my DLO to show what I have done throughout the term.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

slid and slip


Screenshot 2016-11-24 at 12.31.16.pngScreenshot 2016-11-24 at 13.07.08.png

On wednesday afternoon Tamaki primary teachers but children  in group and then go to their  teacher.And then go to do some activities to kids.And then finished the morning tea and then go to your group and to do activities in group. Then time to Lunch. Then miss Ashley and miss Morrison and other teacher buy some chips,and then finished eat chips. And then they said “go outside and play.’’ Then the lunch is finished,children came to classes and do the roll. Then finished the roll, then go outside and do to slip and slid.And they having fun.Then miss Ashley  and miss Morrison playing too. And they were having fun too.

EOTC week

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

EOTC week

Today we went to the  mini golf, and then we play a little game. And the kids was playing fun. Then the teacher said '' go and eat some food'', and then the kids was saw hungry, and that time is saw hot then the kids go and buy some ice block and ice cream to eat,they were having fun to play and eat.

Monday, November 21, 2016

bowling eotc

Screenshot 2016-11-22 at 12.26.41.png Today me and my class and room 8 and room 7 went to bowling, and then we play the  game bowling.And they having fun.miss Morison and other teacher are having fun too, and they were play too. Teacher and children are playing together. And then they finished  another came, me and my group going and to do another game.and then the teacher said to the children,’’ try your best do to the game.’’

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to blow a bubble

How  to blow the biggest bubble.

You will needed…
Bubble gum
Image result for biggest bubble gum

  • Pick several piece of bubble gum.
  • Stick your time and crow to the dark and then make to the  hole,and then crow to the hole and the make the pouch.
  • Flow to the bubble and then flow iven to the crass keep pern put tento what put the part still enough.
  • Then blow into the bubble gum but take deep

Monday, November 14, 2016

celebration me.

nets of shape

today in room 6 we made a net of  shape. And  I am made a net.

nets of shape

today in room 6 we made a net of  shape. And  I am made a net.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

i would vote for Clifton because i like how she has protected us from trump that was trying to kill other people's property and with guns

Thursday, November 3, 2016

the scary monster

It was a cold night and sally had to go to bed.”good night mum and dad.” sally jump on his bed,and she so some big hand down on his bed.And she so some sound like a thump.sally shouted scaredly. Sally hold his teddy and move back.sally so some hand every night when she sleep.

Sally so every night the big hand down on his bed.sally call his mum.’’mum mum I need help.’’mum and dad so some big hand front of sally bed room.and sally was shouted and cry.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

saying nice things about me.

17 Oct 2016 14:43:44.jpg

Celebrating me- I felt happy when somebody said I was tries very hard to write amazing stories.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


It was a glorious day. with Pink clouds and the sun coming out. once there was three people they were all boys the oldest brother was jake bake and fake. They all were doing high rope's and they were all afraid  and nervers.

the benefits of music

I doing this because there are music in this book.

The lost boy

Once there was a little sit down on the floor. Her mum was forgot her. This boy was sad because her mum going home and forgot her at the stories. This boy was many friend at school. Her friend coming outside the stories and see her.'' Her friend said'' wear is your mum. The boy said my mum forgot me outside hear. come and go to see your mum. The boy see her mum outside the stories.

The lost boy

Once there was a little sit down on the floor. Her mum was forgot her. This boy was sad because her mum going home and forgot her at the stories. This boy was many friend at school. Her friend coming outside the stories and see her.'' Her friend said'' wear is your mum. The boy said my mum forgot me outside hear. come and go to see your mum. The boy see her mum outside the stories.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

get reading for the wedding

''Get reading for the having our wedding for today'' said jack, I am all ready for our wedding, Then the woman was coming outside for our wedding, time to our wedding.

There are the time for our wedding , oh no i am going to outside because i don't want to merry you, Then the woman was going outside and going to the forest.

Monday, September 19, 2016

''Its boring I'm going to see how it looks like in the dark dangerous forest'' I am going to the car because there are many people  talking in the dark, Then jack said her brother faster run there are many people come and talking   around the dark.

The three kids

My beautiful glorious day, kids go to school with her dad,

winter sunset

The sky was light back, And the sun was coming down, And this time is evening, the water was flowing back and front, the sun was come down, the colours of the sun is orange or yellow, the water is many grass in  the water.

The problem was the tree  was down and the sun was coming down the tree, then the boy was go to the sand and her t-shrit

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Today we are practising learning our basic facts, We are using the game speed skills to do this, This game is about knowing your basic facts and beating your own score from be for it is not about beating other people, It is about beating .

THE Foggy day

It was a foggy morning, I said, jenny woke up get ready for walking, jenny and James walking around the orange trees tall trees, Then walking to the foggy to the Hallowen , Then they talking this foggy day this is nice foggy day.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

THE bikes trail

It was a beautiful sunny glorious morning, Then i see the two brothers Tyrone and pace, She went to the bush with her bike trail, Then I so the twitter

The end of the glorious day

The sky was light back, Then the sun was coming down, Then this time is evening the water was flowing back and front, the colours of the sun is orange and yellow, the water is many grass in the water.

The problem was the tree was down, Then the sun was coming down to the tree, Then the sun was down, Then i see the boy she was walking on the beach.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

the three kids

My beautiful glorious day, kids go to school with her dad, Then dad go home and kids go to school, then this time is the morning, Then the boy come to go home, and the kids said wry i you going home , and the dad go home to cook the food for all the family.

The three girls and her dad.

My beautiful day, kids go to school with her dad, Then dad go home and kids go to school, then this time is the morning, then the boy was come to go to her home, and  the kids  go the room an go outside to play, and dad go home to cook the food with all there family.

My Beautiful  day, kids go to school with her dad, Then dad go home and kids go to school, Then this time is the morning, then the boy come to her home, And the kids go to the room, then come out play, and dad go home to cook the food for all there family.

Then the kids were grassing the road then the car was come to the road

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tongan Language Week

Screenshot 2016-09-09 at 11.25.28.pngToday we had Tongan language week, Falakika, hope,t hope, l  Maria and room 4, and the the  girls she is beautiful to this week of tongan, and this day all the parents and all the people she is happy, Falakika and hope, l  you too are the beautiful dance, I happy to see the photo, and all this girls are the tongan group, and all the class in this group, room 4  room 2 and room 6, and she is beatiful girls.
Me and Mia play her favourite play rugby and hide, we went to the park  and Mia is happy

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

take this out.
Me and Mia play her favourite play rugby and hide, we went to the park and she go to play the park and Mia is happy, And me and Mia go to the store and the dog come to Mia and Mia is afraid and go away from the dog

So she want to go back to the park, because she forgot the way to go back to the park, so she stay with me at the store , and she remember her way to go back.

swimming day three

me and my group streamline and kick the wall and float, and i to do and i happy to doing, and me and my group go to doing, me and my group go back and go back to the wall and streamline all the hands, and float back and float to the front and my teacher tell all the group try all the best  me and my group go to try the best ,and my teacher  miss Ashley's come and take the all my group and my class, me and my class is happy.

The Bush Walk

Image result for the bush walk

Once a upon a time i walked through the bush i smelted posn brei  and see the butterfly anamos  they were birds they were tiny i walked and walked i see long trees and i see people having a berber q i ask for some food to feed the birds they said yes i got the food and i feed the birds they liked the food so i went for some more food i come back and i feed them then i went home and i will alway come back .

My body systems

The Nervous System, sends a message to your whole body and it functions your body.

The Digestive System ,means when you eat the food that is not good and you poop it out.

The Muscular System, means if you exercise your muscles will keep on growing..

Monday, September 5, 2016


On Monday me and my class went to the Panmure to swimming. and my teacher leaning to my class and  I listen. and i go to do and i now how to doing , and i now how to do doing and the teacher told me nice try, and  i told the teacher thank you miss and my teacher miss Ashley's come and to do all the photo the class.


On Monday me and my class went to the Panmure to swimming. and my teacher leaning to my class and  I listen. and i go to do and i now how to doing , and i now how to do doing and the teacher told me nice try, and  i told the teacher thank you miss and my teacher miss Ashley's come and to do all the photo the class.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I love my family.

I love my family because they help me every day. they cook the food for me after School. and my father go to work and my mother stay home with my sister and my brother. me and my sister go to school.